Sunday, April 08, 2007


Lesson Study

It is held in Bumi Makmur Indah Lembang, on December 1-5, 2007
Lesson Study comes from Japan. It is a model of professional construction of educators through learning research collaboratively and continuously based on collegiality and mutual learning to build learning community, collaboratively both in subject matter and teaching method. Firstly they analyze teaching learning problem and later they find the solution which based on students centered. Secondly, one teacher implement teaching learning process while the others act as collaborator to observe its process. Finally they will make reflection to make a better one.


Training for Indonesian English Teacher

The Upgrading Competency of Senior High School English Teacher Training Program in Jakarta Teachers Training Development Center for Teachers at Parung on 9-18 December 2007
The purpose of this training is providing English teachers to gain the competency to develop teaching administration based on English “KTSP” ( Educational School Level Curriculum) in Senior High School, and preparing them to be the agents of change to distribute their abilities to other English teachers in their regions.. The participants is 75 English teachers from 12 provinces in Indonesia. Every teacher must have professional, pedagogic, social and personality competency. It is necessary to up grade teachers’ competency to attaint the demand of the regulations as well increasing the quality of instructional process of school.
This program was held by Directorate General for Quality Improvement of Teacher and Education Personnel through Directorate Profession


British Council Assisstant Director of Creativity and Learning in Indonesia

From left to right: Christopher, Vivin (St.Angela English teacher). Dedeh S (SMAN 24 ET), one of PPPG staff, Meike (PPPG staff), Wiwin (SMAN 3 ET), Ibu Teriska (the head of PPPG Tulis), Ida ( SMAN 5 ET), Yusuf (St.Aloysius ET

Christopher Palmer, Assistent Director of Creativity and Learning at British Council Jakarta is holding Flat asep. British Council gives many supports for Indonesian teachers in finding partner from UK and give collaborative projects from Montage in gobal gateway. (16-11-2006)


The Director of British Council of Indonesia

Mark Hardy, the Director of British Council in Indonesia is holding Flat Asep from SMAN 24 Bandung and me. Flat Stanley project is one on my students favourite one. We make flat stanley exchange with some countries. I hope my students can make Flat Stanley exchange with all countries in the worl. We have got partner from USA, UK, Thailand

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