Monday, March 13, 2006


Some comments from Project Coordinator

The comment given by Flat stanley Project coordinator

Date: Tue, 06 Dec 2005 15:58:22 -0500
From:"Dale Hubert"
To: "dedeh suatini"
Subject: Re: Flat Asep from SMAN 24 Bandung-Indonesia
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I have published the latest Flat Asep to There was already a title in the Picture Gallery called "Flat Asep" so I renamed it to "Flat Asep from 24 Senior High School" and called this one "Flat Asep from Bandung."I must say I was very impressed with the way you sent your latest contribution. Usually I have to spend a great deal of time adding pictures but the way you sent them this time allowed me to simply add two files.I hope you like the way it looks. Thank you for supporting the Flat Stanley Project. You have made many wonderful contributions.

Dale Hubert, M.Ed.
Creator and Facilitator, Flat Stanley Project

Thu, 16 Feb 2006 07:13:19 -0500
From: "Dale Hubert" javascript:document.frmAddAddrs.submit() Add to Address Book Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
To: "dedeh suatini"
Subject: Re: Fwd: Flat Stanley from Bandung--Indonesia
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Congratulations on your recognition from CitiBank.I have made the changes you requested and I hope the names are all correct now. As for the Bogor images, do you mean an entire article or individual pictures from within an article? I still have several articles to add to the Flat Stanley Project that have been sent to me by other participants in the world, but I don't see any from Indonesia still waiting to be added. Please resend the Bogor ones and I will look after publishing them.I am very pleased that we have made this connection and I hope the Flat Stanley Project and students from Indonesia will enjoy a very long and successful relationship.

Dale Hubert, M.Ed.
Creator and Facilitator of the Flat Stanley Project

London, Ontario, Canada

Tue, 14 Feb 2006 21:17:04 -0500
From: "Dale Hubert" javascript:document.frmAddAddrs.submit() Add to Address Book Yahoo! DomainKeys has confirmed that this message was sent by Learn more
To: "dedeh suatini"
Subject: Re: Fwd: Flat Stanley from Bandung--Indonesia
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Thank you for the reminder. I have added the items to the Flat Angela sections of the Indonesia Flat Stanley section really like the artwork of the flat character.

Dale Hubert, M.Ed.
Creator and Facilitator of the Flat Stanley Project

London, Ontario, Canada

Sun, 15 Jan 2006 05:10:52 -0500
From: "Dale Hubert"
To: "dedeh suatini"
Re: Flat Asep from SMAN 24 Bandung-Indonesia
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I very much appreciate your enthusiasm and support. I realize it sometimes takes me longer than expected to publish contributions. I recently returned from a holiday in Mexico and found 1150 e-mail messages in my inbox.I am very impressed with the quality of the contributions from Indonesia and I hope you will keep sending them to me.

Dale Hubert, M.Ed.
Creator and Facilitator, Flat Stanley Project
London, Ontario, Canada

Fri, 09 Dec 2005 05:19:20 -0500
From: "Dale Hubert"
To: "dedeh suatini"
Subject: Re: Flat Asep from SMAN 24 Bandung-Indonesia
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Thank you for your note.It is not necessary to register before taking part. I post pictures and notes from unregistered classes as well as those that have registered.I have had a wonderful response from Indonesia. Thank you for spreading the word about the Flat Stanley Project.

Dale Hubert, M.Ed.
Creator and Facilitator, Flat Stanley Project
London, Ontario, Canada

dedeh suatini wrote:
Dear Dale Hubert,
I would like to ask you some questions. Having taught some teachers in Bandung, There are some of them who will join Flat Asep but they haven.t registered yet or registered it a long time ago, such as Mrs.Musdiyanty from SMAN 23 Bandung.She has sent you her students work. And Miss Vivin from ST.Angela will send you too.
Should they register first? could they register later?
I have been spreading Flat Stanley project in Bandung to some teachers and there will be many of some schools in Bandung will join it.
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Best regards,
Dedeh SDale Hubert wrote:
I have published the latest Flat Asep to There was already a title in the Picture Gallery called "Flat Asep" so I renamed it to "Flat Asep from 24 Senior High School" and called this one "Flat Asep from Bandung."I must say I was very impressed with the way you sent your latest contribution. Usually I have to spend a great deal of time adding pictures but the way you sent them this time allowed me to simply add two files.I hope you like the way it looks. Thank you for supporting the Flat Stanley Project. You have made many wonderful contributions.

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